Investigative Services

Executive Protection

Corporate Investigation

Background Checks

Policy Development


Corporate Investigations and Consultation

How much could employee fraud be costing you?

Certified Fraud Examiners estimate that six percent of revenues will be lost in 2002 as a result of occupational fraud and abuse. Applied to U.S. Gross Domestic Product, this translates to losses of approximately $600 Billion or about $4,500 per employee.

In today's litigious environment large and small corporations are frequently victimized twice - initially when a crime is committed and later when litigation begins in an effort to hold the corporations responsible.

The highest government officials, beginning with the President of the United States, are demanding "Ethical Reform," due to the ongoing problems of corporate fraud.

How can you bring the "Corporate Ethical Reform" to your company?

Prevention is the simplest way to control the costs of fraud, but the need for investigation is not likely to go away. The surest way to instill ethics is through informed consultation and training. American Corporate Security investigations, Inc. can be a valuable resource in both arenas when comprehensive and effective Prevention and Awareness Programs, employee screening and consultation expertise.

Internal investigations, if not conducted properly, can end up in court, in an arbitration hearing, or even worse, with a disgruntled employee back on your payroll. To prevent these situations, let American Corporate Security Investigations, Inc. conduct your investigations. The professionals at American Corporate Security Investigations, Inc. are impartial and discreet. We also have knowledge of the proper documentation necessary to insure the integrity of the investigation.

Security Through Scrutiny

In the smoothest of corporate operations, problems can arise requiring expert consultation and/or investigation.


We can consult or investigate:

  • Cash and property loss
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Defalcation
  • Fraud Investigators
  • Internet Abuse
  • Physical Security
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  • Violence in the Workplace
  • Occupational Fraud Investigation

We can also help with prevention and awareness training, occupational fraud investigation, arbitration hearings in Florida, Cash and property loss investigations, Conflict of Interest investigation, Defalcation investigation, Fraud investigation, Physical Security protection.

American Corporate Security Investigations offers an invaluable resource for comprehensive and effective Corporate Prevention and Awareness Programs, employee screening and consultation expertise


Home About Us Contact Us

American Corporate Security Investigations, Inc.
President - Andrea Brasoveanu
Florida State License # A-2200045
P.O. Box 161531
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716-1531
Phone: 407-772-6681

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